Doyline, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that Doyline is located in Webster Parish? Its population was 818 at the 2010 census, and its future population is projected to be 783 by 2020. Listed below are some of the statistics about Doyline's population. You can also learn about the area's history and notable people. Listed below are some fun facts about Doyline and the area around it.

The population of Doyline is somewhat diverse. People report belonging to various races and ethnic groups. A quarter of the population is White, while the remainder are black or Hispanic. Many residents also report being of Irish or German descent. About 12.0% of the population in Doyline is senior, but not elderly. The median house value in the city is below the state average. The population of this city is low, but the median house value is significantly lower than the state average.