Farmerville, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of Farmerville is located in Louisiana. It is a parish in the state of Louisiana and the population was 3,860 at the 2010 census. The population of Farmerville is spread out around Lake D'Arbonne. The city has a total area of 5.6 square miles (15 km2), including 0.04 square miles (0.1 km2) of water. There are nine hundred and fifty-two households, or 552 families, in Farmerville.

The population of this town is quite diverse, with residents coming from many different racial groups. While most residents report being Black or White, other important ancestries are German, Irish, and English. Many residents also speak English, Spanish, and French. If you are interested in moving to Farmerville City, it is a great place to start. Here are some things you should know before moving in.

The median household income of residents in Farmerville was $23,598 in 2013. The per capita income was $12,258, which means that a quarter of the population lived below the poverty line. The percentage of residents who were unemployed was 34.8%, while 15.4% were in the labor force. The median household income was $29,038. In Farmerville, there are a number of government agencies, including the Union Parish School District.