Florien, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The median property value in Florien, LA is $121,700. This value is 0.506 times lower than the national average. In 2019, Florien's median home value decreased from $123,300 to $121,700, a decrease of 1.3%. The majority of Florien's residents are White (Non-Hispanic), with the next most common racial group being Black or African American. The majority of residents commute alone to work, with a 34.5-minute commute. The city's average population of 642 people is 77% white (non-Hispanic), and 2% non-white.

The median age of Florien's population is 30.7 years old. This number includes both native-born residents and foreign-born citizens. Compared to the previous year, the median age in Florien, LA is slightly older than the national average. In 2018, the median age in Florien was 30 years old. The most common foreign-born resident's country of birth was Honduras, followed by Mexico and Vietnam.

The median household income in Florien, LA is N/A, and the poverty rate is 19%. There are 122 people living below the poverty line in Florien, LA. The most common racial and ethnic groups are White, Black, and Hispanic. If you are wondering if Florien has a high poverty rate, you can check out the city's poverty statistics.