Grand Cane, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you wondering what the Population & Steets of Grand Cane City are? Do you want to know where to get the best steaks in Grand Cane? We've compiled data to help you decide! Here's a breakdown of the median household income in Grand Cane. And, as always, feel free to share any information you find with us! We'll keep this page updated!

The Population & Steets in Grand Could City are important to know. Grand Cane is home to 211 residents. Of those, 100% are U.S. citizens. The median property value in Grand Cane, LA is $165,900. The homeownership rate is 75.5%, which is higher than the national average of 64.7%. Most people in Grand Cane, LA commute alone to work. Approximately 23.5 minutes is the average commute time for residents. And, there are 2 cars per household.

The population of Grand Cane is primarily white, with 15.2% black residents. One percent of the population is American Indian. The median household income in Grand Cane is $75,000 per year. And, there are no poverty rates for those aged under 18.8 percent live below the federal poverty line. There are 129 people living in Grand Cane, and there are three major industries: Public Administration (47 people), Retail Trade (16 people), and Education (14.5%). The top three industries in Grand Cane, LA are Public Administration ($45,000), Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services ($41250), and Total (37199).