Iberville, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets for Iberville City, Louisiana. All data is provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. You can also see a map of the area around Iberville City to get a feel for its size and growth potential. Listed below are the major cities that are closest to Iberville City, LA. These cities will offer you a variety of transportation options if you're looking for an air travel option.

Iberville City is in Iberville Parish, Louisiana. It is a city in south Louisiana. The parish seat is Plaquemine. There are numerous places to see in the area, including a quaint antiques market and a lively downtown. The Plaquemine Depot Market is also worth a visit if you're looking for a great place to shop. This local attraction offers a great selection of antiques, art, and crafts.

In Iberville Parish, LA, the majority of households (84%) drive alone to work. However, the other 3.74% carpool or use some other form of transportation to commute. The chart below shows the percentage of households that use each mode of transportation over time. The chart uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to represent the variations in smaller means of commuting.

There are local histories for Iberville City, LA that are available for purchase. These local histories may include church and school histories, military information, and more. You can also access probate records, which are kept by the district court and probate courts before 1845. Those records are included in notarial and mortgage records, which are also known as "succession" records in some parishes.