Keithville, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you're planning a trip to Keithville City, Louisiana, you may want to know more about the local area. You can use the list below to get an idea of where the other major cities are located in the area. Or, if you're just interested in exploring the local area, you can also see the cities that are 100 miles away. The population and steets of Keithville City are listed below.

The population of Keithville City is about 2,500 people, but there are a variety of ethnicities represented here. The majority of residents in Bethany South identify themselves as German, Irish, English, or Swedish. While the rest of the population identifies themselves as white or black, there are also minorities, including people of African descent and Native Americans. Residents of Keithville have a high school graduation rate of 66%.

The overall crime rate in Keithville City is lower than the national average. However, crime rates in areas near major airports and parks are high. While these areas may seem to be safe, there are fewer people living there than in other areas. In these areas, crime rates may seem higher than they really are, because people are more likely to commit a crime when they are around other people. In addition, Keithville's crime rate may appear inflated when people visit the area.