Killona, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When searching for a map of Louisiana, you might be interested in knowing the population and streets of Killona City. This small city, in St. Charles Parish, has a largely rural but suburban feel. Most residents own their own homes and are liberal, and public schools are well-rated. There are six public elementary schools in Killona. The city is home to 616 residents.

In order to find the best places to live in Killona, LA, you need to select a search radius, or how far you want to search within the city. You can also choose to display only neighborhoods, cities, or both. Moreover, you can choose the importance of each category, and set a price range for your home or rent. You can find out the best places to live in Killona, LA by using our interactive map.

Using this map, you can find out the average age of people living in Killona. Men in this city are on average 37 years old, while women are on average 33 years old. For more detailed information, visit our About Page. This map shows the population density of Killona by square mile. This information can help you plan your trip to the area. It can also help you find out the cities that are nearby.