Maurepas, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering about the population and steets of Maurepas City, then you've come to the right place. Here you will find a quick overview of the city's population and steets. Just make sure that you read the following information carefully. This information is not definitive and is provided with no guarantees. It is important to verify all data to make sure you know what you're getting yourself into.

The population of Maurepas was estimated at 18 789 in 2007, 19.6 percent higher than it was in the 2000 census. In the year 2000, the city's population was estimated at 20 811 inhabitants, which is about the same as that of New York City. It has a thriving food and beverage industry, with more than a dozen restaurants. Located near the coast of Puerto Rico, Maurepas has a low crime rate, making it ideal for families.

The ZIP code for Maurepas is 70449. It contains one default name and is a five-digit extension of the New Orleans metro area. You can use this ZIP code to find detailed information about the city. You can also find out the number of children enrolled in public schools in Maurepas. The city's ZIP code can be found online. Check out the schools page in Maurepas, Louisiana, to see if the school is in the city.