Mer Rouge, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the Population & Steets in Mer-Rougue City? This Louisiana city has fewer than a thousand people. Its population is made up primarily of young adults, with a high percentage of young adults (15-24) and a low percentage of young professionals. There are few renters in the city; over 75% of residents own their homes. The median monthly rent in Mer-Rouge is $540, which is about $345 less than the Louisiana state average.

The average commute time for residents of Mer-Rouge is about 24 minutes. This is considerably less than the national average of 25 minutes. Most people in Mer Rouge drive to work. However, only a small percentage walk to work. That is why Mer-Rouge's population has a higher proportion of cars than other cities. And while it has a relatively low percentage of people who use public transit, it is still a large percentage.

The population of Mer-Rouge, LA is divided into three racial groups. The majority of people are employed in healthcare and education, while only 6% work in sales. Those living in Mer-Rouge, LA earn between $51,000 and $61,000 per year. The median household income for this city is around $51,000, which is $10,000 less than the national average. Most residents in Mer-Rougue have at least a high school education.

Merc-Rouge, LA is located in Louisiana. The surrounding area is filled with small towns. Many of them are within 91 miles of larger cities. For more information, check out Ballotpedia's website, where you can find information on the 100 largest cities in America. It also covers the mayor, city council, and district attorney elections in each state capital. There are some major cities within four hours of Mer Rouge, LA.