Mittie, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to population and steets in Mittie City, Louisiana, it's important to know exactly how many people live there. The town is home to approximately two hundred and fifty residents, which is about the same as other cities in the region. There are six hundred and twenty-five households, or 77 percent, of which are family units. The median age of Mittie residents is 33.3, and there are 114 households with females over the age of 25. There are also 237 single-family detached homes and 49 single-family attached homes, or townhouses. These units generally range in size from two to fifty units.

The table below provides data on the population of Mittie. For instance, the table shows the number of people over the age of 25 living in Mittie. It's also possible to find out how many people live in Mittie by looking at its school enrollment data. While the town is fairly small, it does boast a number of important factors. For example, Mittie's school enrollment statistics can be useful for parents who want to consider the best schools for their children.

When it comes to crime, Mittie City is not particularly safe. The murder rate is higher in the north and northwest areas than in the southeast. While there are no major public areas in Mittie, some parks in the city are known for being unsafe for the neighborhood. However, crime occurs where people gather. Therefore, crime in Mittie may be lower than in nearby neighborhoods.