Paincourtville, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Paincourtville, LA is made up of 640 White residents and 470 Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents. There are also 88 non-citizens (which includes legal residents, international students, and temporary workers) living in the city. The unemployment rate is 7.3%. Paincourtville's median household income is $48,580.

The crime rate in the city is based on property crimes. This is a non-violent crime that happens in homes and vehicles. Property crime is measured by crimes per thousand Paincourtville residents and is weighted by type of crime. The city has a D grade in terms of safety, which means it has a higher than average crime rate. While there are safer neighborhoods in Paincourtville, the city is not necessarily as safe as you'd think.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the poverty rate in Paincourtville is significantly higher than the national average. In addition, the percentage of people who did not complete college is higher than the state average, but is lower than the national average. However, despite the high poverty rate, the percentage of people who attended college is still higher than the national average. For this reason, people living in Paincourtville City should avoid the poverty rate in this city.

While a small city, Paincourtville has a significant population and a moderate median income. The median household income in the city is $72,682. While the poverty rate in this city is low, it is still higher than in nearby communities. There are 0% households that speak a language other than English. If you're looking to move to Paincourtville, LA, this city is worth exploring.