Pine Prairie, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following tables provide information about the population of Pine Prairie City, Louisiana. The first column provides a general summary of the city's demographics. The second column shows the percentage of residents living in housing units. The percentage of renter-occupied housing units is 31.7%, lower than the state average of 35.4%. The last column provides a breakdown by racial and ethnic group.

In terms of race, the majority of residents in Pine Prairie are White. There are also some Hispanics living in the city. Hispanics are included in any race category. The remaining racial group is Black. The median household income in Pine Prairie is $5,858. This figure does not take into account the number of households with children. In other words, if a family's income is less than this figure, it is considered to be below the poverty line.

The employment profile of the people living in Pine Prairie, LA is rather varied. The largest employment sectors are Construction, Education, and Social Assistance. However, some residents may work in other locations. As such, Census data is tagged to each household's address. These two tables provide an overview of the employment landscape in Pine Prairie, LA. This city has a moderate amount of poverty. Its population is approximately 1,200 people.