Raceland, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will help you figure out what to expect from the Population & Steets in Racelands City. It shows crime rates by neighborhood and by type of crime. The areas in red are the most dangerous, while the yellow are the safest neighborhoods. Crime rates are weighted according to the types of crime. For example, east Raceland has more crimes than the northeast, while south Raceland has fewer than half the number of crimes.

The ZIP Code for Raceland is 70394. The name of the city is the same for many places in the state, including towns, villages, and even schools. However, the USPS uses only one default name for each ZIP Code. The area's zip code is D (Default), which is the most common choice. There are no other default names for ZIP Codes. You can learn about other places with this same name in Raceland City, LA.

The median household income in Raceland is $44,200. The poverty rate is 11.5%, which is slightly higher than the national average. In Raceland, approximately 26% of residents are single, compared to one-third of Americans of the same age group. Lastly, 5.9% of Raceland's civilian population is a veteran, while the national average for adult civilians is 7.5%.