Reeves, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population of Reeves City? Listed below are statistics and other information about the city's demographics. The United States Census Bureau provides these statistics for cities and counties all over the world. This information is updated and includes both current and past population figures for Reeves City. It is best to visit this website for updated statistics. To find out more about the population of Reeves City, Louisiana, read the information below.

Reeves County had a population of 15,801 in the mid-1980s. The majority of the population was Hispanic, with nearly two-thirds of the population being of Spanish origin. The county ranked 27th in the nation in 1962 with a population of 16,581 people. The population was still predominantly white, with only nine percent of residents being college graduates. The oil industry declined in the 1970s, but the town's population continued to grow.

The city's ZIP code is 70658. This is the city's county seat. This area is part of the Lake Charles metroplex. The city has a population of 14,748. As of the 2010 census, the population of Reeves is 3.6% below the national average. A population census will be done soon. You'll want to start planning a trip to the city. And remember to make sure you take a map of the city before you go.