Simmesport, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Simmesport, LA is a small town located in the state of Louisiana. People live here for a number of reasons. Some are from the surrounding areas, while others are from other states. The population of Simmesport is about 3,500. Its population is mostly made up of families.

The Simmesport ZIP Code is located in Avoyelles, Louisiana. It is used by the USPS to designate the city. It also uses the default name, which is Simmesport. The USPS provides both the population numbers and the street names. The population figures are also available for 2010 and 2020. You can also learn more about the Simmesport Museum by clicking on the street name.

Simmesport is a small city in Louisiana. The median age is 37.5 years old. This is the second lowest median age in the state, after Mansura. Its population is 16.8% larger than the United States average. The city's median income is about $36,000 per capita, which is more than double the national average.

Simmesport's ethnic composition is dominated by white people. However, there are some minority groups. Simmesport is home to less than one percent of Native American citizens.