White Castle, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to get a better idea of the population and steets of White Castle City, Louisiana, read this article. Here are the most important statistics and other information about the city. Besides the population, you can also get to know the history of the city. You can use this information to support the government officials of White Castle. Listed below is the population and steets of the White Castle city.

The population of the city is low in areas that have parks and major airports. Most of the population lives far from these areas, so you may see higher crime rates in these areas. Of course, crime happens where people are. Therefore, if you are planning to move to White Castle, you might want to consider living in the suburbs instead. You will be glad you did! This way, you'll be closer to your favorite places without being near any crime hot spots.

The population of White Castle City is 2,241 people. The median household income is $23,261, which is higher than the national average of $20,600. Moreover, the area is home to a low-income neighborhood. Hence, the population of the area has grown by approximately 3.5%. If you're interested in moving to White Castle, Louisiana, make sure to read this article carefully.