Beaver Cove, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are planning a visit to Beaver Cove City, Maine, then you might be wondering: How Many People Live In Beaver Cove City? The city has a total population of 133 as of the 2020 census. Here are some facts about the city, such as its Steets & Population. For the most accurate statistics about this town, read on. The information below will help you determine if this city is right for you.

The population of Beaver Cove is less than half the state's total. This means that you are in for a great deal of solitude if you choose to live in this quaint little town. However, with a population of just under 500 people, it's easy to see why residents enjoy living here. While the town's population is lower than many other coastal communities, it is still large enough to accommodate a small family.

The Census Bureau's Demographic Analysis in Beaver Cove shows that the city is home to several large generational groups. This information is useful for employment-related research, determining areas with retiree populations, and even identifying areas where retirees live. Beaver Cove's age distribution indicates that the largest percentage of residents are under the age of 20. The percentages of people between the ages of 20 and 29 years and those between 40 and 49 years old are much smaller.

The median age of residents of Beaver City, NE is 47.8%. The majority of people living in Beaver City are white, with a minority of two or more people belonging to ethnic groups. Those born in other countries are either foreign-born or have at least one parent who is a native-born citizen. The minority population in Beaver City, NE is almost three-fourths Hispanic, with only 4.8% of residents belonging to that group.