East Winthrop, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking to move to a new town or city, you'll want to learn about the Population & Steets in EastWinthrop. Listed below are the most popular towns and cities near East Winthrop. You can also view a map of nearby cities to plan a trip or explore the area. Listed below are the most popular cities within 100 miles of East Winthrop.

A map of the area's households gives you a good idea of its socioeconomic makeup. The city's population is divided into four ethnic groups. The majority of residents are White, while the remaining population consists of Hispanics and Others. The median household income in East Winthrop City is $28,068. This is lower than the Massachusetts state average, but higher than the national average.

The area is home to the University of South Carolina and Winthrop University. These two universities have higher than average rates of anti-Semitism and racism. The city is also known for its thriving university community. The campus' student population is a diverse group, with 49.0% males and 51.0% females. The university is home to several local businesses. Founded in 1891, Waring's Duck Brand Saloon is a local landmark that dates back to the 1800's.

The population of Winthrop is approximately 18,436 people. The median age is 44.9, while the percentage of foreign-born citizens is about 10% higher than the Massachusetts average. A significant number of residents are Hispanic, with the largest percentage being born in China. The Dominican Republic and Brazil are the second and third most common foreign-born populations in Winthrop. There are many ethnic groups in East Winthrop, MA.