Fort Fairfield, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets in Fortfairfield City, ME. You can view the maps to see where the residents live and their median income. The population of Fort Fairfield City is made up of White residents, Hispanics, and Native Americans, although the actual percentages vary greatly. The main sectors of employment in Fort Fairfield are Manufacturing, Health Care, and Retail Trade.

The median age of residents in Fortfairfield, ME was 49.7 years. Both natives and foreign-born residents were above this age. The percentage of residents who were born outside the United States was significantly higher than in other cities. In 2018, there were 51.7% of native-born residents in Fort Fairfield City, while 1% of the population was foreign-born. In 2016, the percentage of foreign-born residents in Fort Fairfield City, ME was above the state average. There were 4 pilots and other airmen among the foreign-born population.