Milton Twp, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population and steets data is available for Milton Twp City. This information can be found from the U.S. Census Bureau. In 2000, there were 6,401 households in Milton Twp City with a median age of 35 years. The majority of households had two adults and at least one child, and the remaining households were either single or made up of two people. There were a total of 1,045 households with more than one child, and there were 6,401 households with at least one adult.

In 1869, Milton had a population of 1,000 people, and by 1874, there were county buildings and a telegraph office. There was a woolen factory, grist mill, saw mill, and weekly newspaper in Milton. Electricity came to Milton in 1891, and in 1905, the city purchased the Milton Electric Light agency and built its own power station. The town had a population of 5,468 in 1990, which is a bit higher than in 2010 and the previous year.

In 2008, the town reached an agreement with Wilfrid Laurier University, which would open a satellite campus in the town. The city also partnered with Conestoga College to create a new campus. In April 2018, the Ontario government approved $90 million for the project. Construction of the new campus began in Milton. Mayor Gord Krantz said the town would look for other funding for the project.