Nobleboro, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When considering whether to move to a new neighborhood or not, knowing the Population & Steets of a new town can help you determine whether or not the area is safe. Here are some facts about Nobleboro's population and crime rate. Crime rates are much lower than average in other parts of Maine. The city has a violent crime rate of 8.6, compared to the national average of 22.7. Crime rates in Nobleboro are lower than the national average, but the area has a low number of residents.

When it comes to race, Nobleboro has the highest percentage of black residents, at 33.4%. There are also a significant number of Natives. Both of these groups are underrepresented in Nobleboro. The City's female population is nearly two and a half times larger than its male counterpart, making it a highly diverse area. In fact, it is the only Maine city with a higher proportion of black residents.

Although this city is smaller than Damariscotta, it is still the second largest in Maine. Its population of foreign-born residents is five percent larger than the state of Maine. The other major difference between Nobleboro and Damariscotta is the number of immigrants per capita. Interestingly, Nobleboro has more foreign-born residents than any other place in Maine. The city is home to more immigrants than any other place in Maine, and it is a safe place to live.