North Berwick, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for population and steets in North Berwick City, you have come to the right place. Below you will find the details about the city. North Berwick, ME is a city in the state of Maine. The ZIP Code for North Berwick is 03906, and it is located in York County. The city is referred to as North Berwick by the USPS, but it is also referred to by its street name, or the default name. The population in North Berwick, ME is estimated from 2010 and 2020 and is listed by street name. The North Berwick Museum is a historical landmark, with a street address, phone number, and website.

In 2019, the median income in North Berwick, ME was $44,226. This was lower than the national average of $65,712, and represents a 1.02% annual increase. Compared to other cities, North Berwick, ME has a low unemployment rate, and the city has many young families. In fact, young families are the largest source of unemployment in the city. If you want to know how much money you can make in North Berwick, ME, check out our salary calculator!

The population of North Berwick, ME is just under five thousand people. Residents in this town are close-knit and live in a beautiful area with sunny weather. The area is popular for the locals' natural beauty, and The Lady Mary, built in 1893 by Mary Hurd, is a historical site to visit. This is the most magnificent Queen Anne Victorian-style building in Maine, and has classic woodwork, stained glass windows, and painted ceilings.