North Turner, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for a list of towns around North Turner City, ME? Use our list of towns in and around North Turner, ME to plan a trip and get a feel for the area. You can also use the list to find cities close to North Turner, ME. The population and steets of North Turner City are listed below. You can click on any of the listed towns for more information about the area.

In 2016, the population of North Turner City was 5,817 people, a number that has been rising every year since 2000. The population was diversified, with 29.3% of the population under 18 years of age. Another 8.3% of households had a female householder who was living alone without her husband. Twenty-one percent of the population lived in a non-family dwelling. The remainder was either single or married. About one-fifth of the town's population was over 65 years old. The average family size was 2.81 people, with a male to female ratio of 50.9%.