North Yarmouth, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the population of North Yarmouth like? The population of North Yarmouth is approximately the same as the population of Yarmouth City, Maine, although it's 4.5% smaller than that of the state's capital. Here's a look at the various styes and demographics in the city. You'll be pleasantly surprised. Despite the relatively small size, North Yarmouth's community has a great deal to offer.

The population of North Yarmouth is steadily growing. As of the last US census, the population is expected to grow by 7.7% by 2020. This is the third largest change in population within the greater North Yarmouth area. The current population of North Yarmouth is just over 38,000. But the city's future growth is looking very bright. Population estimates are projected to reach nearly 16,000 people by 2040.

The city is home to a wide range of racial groups, with the largest percentage of people identifying themselves as White. Other important ancestry groups include German, Irish, Scottish, and English. The city's most commonly spoken language is English. Some people also speak Spanish, Italian, and French. If you're looking for more information on the city of North Yarmouth, please consider the following facts.

Drug-related crime is an increasingly prominent problem in North Yarmouth. While the city's overall crime rate is well below the national average, there is still a lot of room for improvement. The city also boasts a thriving public school system and many college educated residents. Most people live in single-family homes, which means they'll have enough space for children to play. Overall, crime in the city is low, making it an excellent place to raise a family.