South Berwick, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets of South Berwick City? Here are some stats. South Berwick has the highest percentage of people who are Western European or North American. Its percentage of people who are Hispanic or Latino is much lower than the national average. The median age in South Berwick is 33.3 years, and the median household income is $33,490.

A family of three makes up 75% of the population, which is one of the highest percentages of any city in the South Berwick area. The average family size is 3.1. This city is home to many children and has a moderate climate year-round. There is a shortage of available homes for sale in South Berwick, but there are a number of families who have chosen to make South Berwick their home.

Statistics of the population of South Berwick are available from the United States Census Bureau and the American Community Survey. According to these reports, South Berwick has a Population of 7,531 and is the third most populous city in the greater South Berwick area. Dover, NH, has a population of 31,922 and is 4.2 times larger than South Berwick. The percentage change in South Berwick is 4.3 percent.

In the 18th century, South Berwick had a mill complex along the Great Works River, which was called the "Rocky Gorge." The Great Works Bridge still sits on Brattle Street, and the mill complex is now closed. This historic building was the town's first settlement, and it still contains many of its early buildings, including the 1702 First Parish Federated Church. The former St. Michael's Church is now the South Berwick Public Library.