Trevett, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Whether you're looking for a safe and quiet area or a more upscale, upbeat neighborhood, knowing the Population & Steets in Trevettet City can help you make your decision. With our Trevett city crime map, you can check out the number of crimes that are committed per 1,000 residents. The crime rate for this city is below average, and there are few crime-related incidents per capita in the town.

The population of Trevett is approximately 5,92 people. The area has experienced 76.2% growth between 2010 and 2020. Property values in the area have appreciated by 4.7% in the past 10 years. This information should help you decide whether this is the right time to purchase a property in Trevett. Here's a look at the population of Trevett, ME.

The population of this town is mostly white. There is a high percentage of senior citizens and middle-aged adults. Single parents and families make up a small percentage of the community, but the population is slightly higher than average. The percentage of children below the age of 18 is quite low compared to other parts of the country. Despite the low number of children, this area still has a very high rate of vacant homes and vacancies.