Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article discusses the population and steets of Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. You can also learn about the median household income in Aberdeen Proving Ground. This city has an average household income of $94,643, making it slightly more than the U.S. median of $65,712.

In Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, the majority of residents are White, followed by Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and Two+ people. The minority group is comprised of 147 people. These statistics represent the city's diverse population, and may include minority groups that don't usually live in the city. If you don't fall into either of these groups, you may want to move elsewhere.

Aberdeen's Police Department is the primary law enforcement agency for the city, and is staffed with 42 sworn officers of all ranks. The department has also added additional personnel, such as six crossing guards. Overall, the Aberdeen Police Department has a strong commitment to improving community relations. Listed below are some of the major issues facing the Aberdeen PD, as well as some of the solutions to these problems.