Betterton, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the Population & Steets in Bettertown City, Illinois? Getting to know the community is important, but do you really know how much the residents make? Here are some interesting facts. You'll find out how many people live in Betterton, what the median household income is, and more. The data is helpful in making decisions about buying a house, as well as determining if you can afford the monthly mortgage payments.

People living in Betterton are a diverse bunch. While most people identify as White, Black, and other races, some report ancestry that includes Irish, German, and Italian. The median age is 38, and 57% of households are family units. Overall, the town has a low crime rate, making it one of the safest places to live in the US. There are many families in Betterton.

The most common ethnic group in Betterton is White. There are also significant numbers of Hispanic and Two+ groups. However, the majority of people in the city are US citizens. Betterton, MD has a higher percentage of US citizens than the national average, which means that its residents are better off financially. In addition, there is a significant number of Vietnamese residents in the area.

A quick look at the population of Betterton will reveal how many households have multiple cars. The town is home to two year-round restaurants and one of them is family-friendly. Whether it is breakfast or dinner, you'll find something to satisfy your craving. Both restaurants have outdoor decks and offer views of the northern Chesapeake Bay. This makes the area a great place for the entire family.