Bushwood, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Bush wood City, MD? Bushwood has a population of 100 people and is comprised of 0% females and 0% males. The median age is 0 years and there are 0% single-female families and 0% couple families living in Bushwood. The average family size is 0 people. If you'd like to learn more about Bushwood, MD, continue reading this article!

The percentage of people over the age of sixteen employed in Bushwood is N/A. This percentage is broken down into three classes: service occupations, blue-collar occupations, and white-collar jobs. The high level of education amongst the Bushwood population means that the area has a highly educated population. It is also possible to find out what occupations these residents do, as there are plenty of jobs that don't require a university degree.

The Federal District of Bushwood is the largest city in the Wegmat. The city is famous for the Wegmat Intermicronational Stadium, which hosts performances and art. Bushwood has multiple companies, such as Wegmat's Most Southern Point. The town is also home to the Wilcox Store and Bushwood Trade Market. There is also a small borough known as Forwood. It shares the same city-wide university and is quite similar to Bushwood.

The ZIP code 20618 is located in BUSHWOOD, Maryland. The city is part of Montgomery County. It has a large college population. This ZIP code has a relatively high average household income. You can also search by area by using the ZIP code and see where your neighbors live. You can use the information provided to narrow down your search. You can also lookup a city by its ZIP code in Bushwood City by comparing the median household income with nearby zip codes.