Cavetown, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Depending on what source of data you use, there are many different ways to determine the population of a city. This table lists the population of Cavetown City, MD and compares it to other places in the country. The population of Cavetown is relatively low compared to national averages, with only 6.50% of the population living below the poverty level. In comparison, 9.4% of the population of Wyoming lives below the poverty line.

Cavetown has a population of approximately 1,129 people, based on census data. The population is 50% male and 50% female, with a median age of 47. Twenty-one percent of the population is married, while the rest is single. The average household size is two people and families are two and a half. The median household income is $82,232. The median individual income is $45,374. Approximately 87% of the population has a high school diploma, and twenty-one percent has a college degree or other type of certification.