Chesapeake Beach, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be interested to know the population and steets in Chesapeake, Maryland. There are about 6,094 people living in Chesapeake Beach. The city is located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. As of 2010, the city had a population density of 795 people per square mile. The city's population is expected to grow to about 6,100 by 2020.

This list also includes the population and steets in other nearby towns. This information may help you plan a road trip or explore the area. You can use these lists to find cities in close proximity to Chesapeake Beach, MD. For example, you can find flights from Baltimore and Washington, DC to Chesapeake Beach, MD. If you are flying to Chesapeake Beach, MD, you should enter the cities in the state that are closest to Chesapeake Beach.

The Virginia Beach area has a large Latino and Hispanic population. Many residents of this city speak Spanish and Tagalog, but English is the predominant language spoken. Other languages, such as French, German, and Spanish, are also spoken. Despite these differences, the population and steets in Chesapeake Beach City are significant. There are many cultural landmarks and natural areas in the city.

The Chesapeake Beach Comprehensive Plan focuses on ensuring public health, safety, convenience, and harmony. It also promotes orderly growth. A steady population growth will restore and revitalize the real estate market and bring economic vitality to the community. In contrast, rapid growth will strain public facilities and cause traffic congestion. For these reasons, the planning commission must formulate strategies to address growth.