Cockeysville, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In order to understand Cockeysville's diversity, you must first understand how much each race or ethnicity makes up the population of the city. A violent crime rate map will show you how many violent crimes occur in one city block, but not across the entire city. In other words, if Cockeysville is all white, it's probably because the city isn't very diverse.

The demographic breakdown of Cockeysville shows that 78% of residents are White, while 9.2% of residents are African American and 11.4% of residents are Hispanic. There are 0.95 homeowners per 1,000 people in Cockeysville, and the median household income is $36,809. The percentage of college graduates is slightly higher than the national average (24%) but still low compared to Maryland's average of 24%.

In general, Cockeysville City has a slightly better standard of living than other places in Maryland. While the population of this city is slightly higher than the state average, the poverty rate is still quite low, at 6.4%. You can find a home for sale in Cockeysville at an affordable price with a low interest rate. And the average home appreciation rate is 3.1%.

The population of Cockeysville is 21,000, with young professionals making up about twenty percent of the population. Compared to other cities in Maryland, Cockeysville's population is younger than most. Moreover, 34% of residents own their homes. Cockeysville is also home to some great trails. In fact, it is one of the few cities in the region with a train.