Crellin, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Creillin City, MD is a snapshot of the community's diversity. The area's average household income is $26,950, and there are 84 white residents for every black or hispanic person. That makes Crellin's poverty rate higher than the national average. Most residents of Crellin are White (non-Hispanic) and are U.S. citizens, although the percentage of people in this group is higher.

Most Crellin residents are employed in the Transportation industry. Business & Financial Operations and Management Occupations are the least common. In fact, Crellin's employment rate has decreased in the last two years. As a result, the median household income in Crellin, MD is lower than the national average and is below the median income of its neighboring states. It's not surprising, then, that Crellin's population is lower than that of its neighbors.

Households in Crellin, MD are distributed according to their money income. The highest proportion of households has two cars, while the lowest percentage has none. Overall, Crellin's homeownership rate is 39.3%, which is lower than the national average of 64.1%. Residents of Crellin, MD commute for an average of 25.5 minutes. Most people drive alone to work. Crellin residents own a home, and the median property value is equal to the national average.