Crumpton, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the population and steets of Crumpton City, Maryland, you've come to the right place. The following population and steets statistics are relevant to the town and its surrounding area. You can use them to book flights between nearby cities or make a road trip to get a better feel of the city. Take note, however, that the city of Baltimore, MD has a higher population than Crumpton City, MD.

The population of Crumpton City is relatively low compared to other cities in Ontario, including Toronto. It is also home to a number of parks and major airports, but few people live near these locations. Despite this, crime rates may appear to be higher around these areas - even at the safest locations. Remember that crime happens everywhere. In any city, whether it's Toronto, Vancouver, or Ottawa, you can find statistics on crime and racial diversity.

The ZIP code for Crumpton City is 21628. The default name of the ZIP code is 21628. The ZIP code is 5 digits. The "plus" part indicates that the last four digits refer to a segment of street or side of an apartment. Therefore, a higher walk score means lower noise. This zip code is useful when considering the area's amenities.