Gambrills, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Gamblills City? This information is provided for you by the U.S. Census Bureau. You can use this information to learn more about the town you are planning to move to. In addition to the population, you can learn about the school districts in the area. You can also find out about the home values and rental prices. This data is only for reference purposes and may not be current.

Baltimore has a population of 2.802 million, which makes it the country's 21st largest metropolitan area. The distance between the cities is 26 minutes if you drive non-stop. A ticket to Baltimore will cost you 60 to 120 Kc. Once you're in Baltimore, be sure to visit the Inner Harbor, one of the city's landmarks. From Baltimore, it's easy to get to Gambrills.

The population of Gambrills is incredibly diverse. The majority of residents are in the public administration field, healthcare, education, retail, and science. Almost 10% of Gambrills' workers are in management roles, which makes this field a hot choice for the residents of the town. Many workers in the town make over $133,000 per year. That's well above the state and national average. The area also has a high rate of tornadoes, with the number of tornadoes in the city being 12% higher than the national average.

The population of Gambrills is extremely diverse, with a mix of racial groups. The majority of residents in this town identify themselves as White, while the minority population describes themselves as Black. Other racial groups report being Polish, Irish, and Italian. English is the predominant language in Gambrills, but there are some languages spoken as well, such as Spanish, Italian, and Polish.