Glen Echo, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The most recent data available about Glen Echo City, Maryland is from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2019 American Community Survey. While these data are typically accurate, we cannot guarantee their completeness or accuracy. The most recent data available can be viewed below. To get a better understanding of the population and steets of this town, see the table below. Also, view the demographics of nearby communities to see where your community fits in.

In Glen Echo, Maryland, the population is mostly white. It is home to 277 native-born residents. The foreign-born population accounts for 32.4% of the total. As for the average age of Glen Echo residents, they are growing older. The average age is 39. The average person in Glen Echo City is a native-born citizen. The highest proportion of foreign-born residents is from El Salvador. China is the second highest foreign-born population in Maryland, with 43.4% of residents being foreign-born.

The City Center / Glen Echo neighborhood contains the highest concentration of single mother households. This is a high number compared to other neighborhoods in America. Studies show that higher concentrations of single mothers are linked to greater crime, poverty, and infant mortality. This trend is also observed in other cities, such as the North End in Boston, Chinatown in San Francisco, and Koreatown in Seattle. If you're interested in learning more about the community, please visit NeighborhoodScout.