Hillsboro, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking to move to Hillsboro City, Oregon, then you should know that the city has a population of approximately 86,500 people. Hillsboro is located along the Columbia River, near the Oregon-Washington border. The most comfortable months to live in Hillsboro include July, August, and September. The most inhospitable month is December. Here's some information about Hillsboro's population and streets.

According to the most recent census data, the median age of Hillsboro city residents was 34 years old. This figure is the median age of both natives and foreign-born residents. The average age of residents of Hillsboro was 34 years old in 2018. The most common foreign-born ancestry was Mexican (142,075), followed by German, English, and Dutch. Vietnamese (22,210 people) were also present in Hillsboro.

The city has two main newspaper publications, the Hillsboro Argus and the Hillsboro Tribune. The Hillsboro Argus is published on Wednesdays. The Hillsboro Tribune is a weekly newspaper. KUIK is a 5,000-watt radio station that airs news in Hillsboro. Various newspapers and television stations serve the city. The AM radio station KUIK broadcasted on the 1360 frequency until it was sold in 2018.

The majority of Hillsboro's residents are white. The remainder are Asian, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander, and Hispanic. The median household income for Hillsboro, OR is $82,275, which is slightly higher than the national average. 86.5% of Hillsboro residents are U.S. citizens. In addition to the median household income, Hillsboro has many high-tech and manufacturing facilities.