Lanham, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can easily find the Population & Steets in Lanham City by looking up the county's name. If you are looking for a specific population, you can also check the demographics of the city. The county of Montgomery County, Maryland is located in northern Maryland. Its population is a little over 58,000 people. For a map of the city, click here. The following table gives you an idea of the demographics of Lanham, MD.

The median property value in Lanham, MD was $306,800 in 2019. This is 1.28 times higher than the national average. Approximately 80% of the residents in Lanham are homeowners. This means that the population is incredibly well-off. According to census data, 80.7% of Lanham residents own their home. The median household income in Lanham, MD is $85,577, which is higher than the national average. Lanham, MD residents drive alone to work. The median car ownership in the city is two per household.

The median age for the entire Lanham, MD population is 37.4 years old. Foreign-born citizens comprise the second largest group after native-born residents. The third largest group of residents is White (Non-Hispanic). Approximately 28.1% of the city's residents are hispanic. The county has a diversity of ethnic groups, including African-Americans and Hispanics.