Montgomery Village, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Before you start your search for a new home in Montgomery Village, check the most important boxes first. These boxes include cost of living, education, employment, housing, and other key data points. Once you've completed these steps, you'll be ready to start your new life in Montgomery Village! Interested in learning more about this city? Get started with our community questionnaire! You can also find the demographics of residents and neighborhoods.

To get a better idea of the ethnic composition of the city, you can look at the following population and steets information. The population of Montgomery Village is comprised of people of African American, Asian, Hispanic/Latino, and White. These numbers are not representative of the entire city, but they're a good starting point when researching neighborhoods. A map of Montgomery Village's demographics is also useful to determine the level of diversity.

According to Crime Statistics, Montgomery Village is safe. Its violent crime rate is just 1.94 crimes per 1,000 residents. As the table below shows, the east and south sections of Montgomery Village have the lowest violent crime rates. However, the north and west portions of the city are considered to be the safest. While the crime rates of the east and south parts of the city are comparable, the southern portion of Montgomery Village has higher violent crime than the north part.

The Kettler brothers broke ground for the first house in Montgomery Village in 1966. By the end of the year, models of homes in the clusters of Stedwick and Lakeside of Whetstone neighborhoods opened. The first residents, the Crosby family, moved into their new home on September 25, 1967. The foundation of the Montgomery Village Association was formed in 1966, and a junior high school opened in 1968.