New Carrollton, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table shows the Population & Steets in the City of New Carrollton. In New Carrollton, about 46% of the population is married and live in two-family households. A few residents are single or have no children, making up the remaining 37%. The average number of households in New Carrollton is three, with an average of three people per household. The median household income in New Carrollton is $66,991 and the median individual income is $37,206. A total of 84% of the population is educated, with most residents holding high school degrees. Only 20 percent of the population holds a bachelor's degree. There are also 9% of residents who have graduated from graduate school.

Those residing in the city are largely white (64%) and African (3.7%). In addition, New Carrollton's population includes a high proportion of foreign born residents, with 6% hailing from India and 40.6 Those who are foreign born are most likely to be white (23.8%). Approximately 40% of the city's population is Hispanic, which is much higher than the national average of about 30.

Families occupy a larger percentage of New Carrollton's households, according to the Census and ESRI. The number of households in East Riverdale and Clinton is both more than double that of New Carrollton. While New Carrollton is home to six percent of families, it has the smallest proportion of households headed by a married couple. For example, Landover Hills has a higher percentage of married-couple households than New Carrollton, which is a bit of a paradox, since New Carrollton has a large population.