Orchard Beach, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information on the population of Orchard Beach City, Maine, you may be wondering what it looks like. Well, you have come to the right place. Here, you will discover more about the city's population and how it compares to the surrounding towns. The following table is a breakdown of the racial and ethnic groups that live in the city. It includes information about the number of native born residents and foreign-born residents in Orchard Beach.

The population of Orchard Beach, ME is about 8.86k. Out of those, 3.77% of the population was born outside the United States. The median household income in Old Orchard Beach, ME is $58,080. The median property value is $220,000. Compared to the national average, Old Orchard Beach has a higher than average homeownership rate (67.7%). Residents of Orchard Beach, ME drive alone to work. They own an average of two vehicles per household.

For those seeking to buy real estate in Orchard Beach, the town has an excellent school system. Old Orchard Beach is part of the Rsu 23 School District. The city has 3 different elementary and high schools. The city also has a public library and an excellent library. The city has a strong college-educated population. Most residents are college-educated, but if you are looking to buy property in Orchard Beach City, you should consider the cost of living and the number of children in your area.