Park Hall, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Crime rates in Park Hall vary greatly. For example, the north of the city has a crime rate of 1 in 113, while the south has a crime rate of 1 in 553 or less. This contrast makes crime rates in Park Hall seem higher than they actually are. Crime rates are generally lower in Park Hall's north than in its south, mainly due to the small number of retail establishments.

To find out if your area of interest has a high diversity score, you should check out the population map of Park Hall. It includes self-identified racial majorities and minority populations. Darker areas show a higher percentage of one racial group than do light shades. The diversity score of a city is represented on the diversity map, as well. Green areas are more diverse than red, while red areas are less diverse. Diversity means that different races and ethnicities are primarily present, while all-white areas would be categorized as low.

The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongoing survey of US communities. It provides updated statistics on the economic and social characteristics of communities. The ACS asks questions about age, race, family composition, household income, housing costs, and mode of transportation. These surveys are also helpful in determining the racial makeup of a community. This data can help you find out if a certain area has a high percentage of African Americans.