Perry Hall, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that the median age of people in Perry Hall, MD is 39.2? Of this group, 95.9% are US citizens, compared to 96.4% in 2018. This city has a large population of former military personnel, including a significant number of people who served in Vietnam. Here are the demographics for the city and its surrounding area. - Who lives in Perry Hall?

The local poverty rate is 11.9%, compared to 14.1% in the country. However, this local poverty rate is lower than the national average, since only 9.4% of Maryland's residents live below the poverty line. You can find out more about the median income and the cost of living in Perry Hall by looking at the chart below. Also, take note of the coronavirus statistics, as well as the crime statistics.

The Gough family was the dominant family in the city until the Civil War. Its plantation was one of the largest in Baltimore County. Harry Dorsey Gough, a pioneer in the Methodist Church, founded the American Methodist Church in Perry Hall Mansion, which is now known as Camp Chapel. The Gough family was also instrumental in donating land for a community school and church. These two aspects contributed to the city's prosperity.

Before making a decision about moving to Perry Hall, make sure you check off the most important boxes before choosing a neighborhood. The livability score for a city can help you find the perfect place to live. The score includes factors such as crime, cost of living, employment, and housing. You'll be happy in a community where you can find all the amenities you need and enjoy. It can help you find the best places to live in Perry Hall, MD.