Seat Pleasant, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for a home in Seat Pleasant, Washington, there are several things to keep in mind. The population and steets of Seat Pleasant City are fairly low, but crime rates are still higher than average. The area near the city's airport and many parks has a low population, making Seat Pleasant seem safer than it is. However, crime is a problem everywhere, and Seat Pleasant is no exception.

The population and steets of Seat Pleasant are broken down by neighborhood. For example, the Maryland Park neighborhood has a population of 4,576 people, and is comprised of mostly lower-middle and lower-income residents. Nearly 41 percent of Seat Pleasant's population lives below the federal poverty line. The majority of people in the Seat Pleasant area are employed as enlisted military personnel, managers, and clerical support.

In Seat Pleasant, 71% of residents are single. Compared to the United States average, Seat Pleasant ranks number one in the region. The population of married couples is 38.4% larger in Seat Pleasant than in Capitol Heights. However, a higher percentage of single people is found in the neighboring community of Fairmount Heights. The city's steets & population statistics are useful for any planning an investment in Seat Pleasant.

The incorporated city of Seat Pleasant is located in Prince George's County, Maryland. It is located just east of Washington, DC. The area is served by the Prince George's County Public Schools district and is home to two NFL teams. Approximately 4,522 people call Seat Pleasant home. A bike-riding mayor wears the title of mayor. Seat Pleasant holds summer movie nights for families and mini-camps for kids. It is also one of the first "smart cities" in the United States.