Upperco, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to the city of Upperco, Maryland, there are several important factors to take into consideration. First, there's the population. While the city is populated mostly by farms, there are also some residential areas where residents live in historic homes. The population of Upperco is comprised of about 1,400 residents, making it one of the least densely populated cities in the state. Furthermore, Upperco is a thriving college town, with many young professionals and students.

Violent crime rates vary from neighborhood to neighborhood. One neighborhood in Upperco may experience 1 violent crime a year, while another neighborhood in the same block may experience none. These crime rates may appear higher on the surface, but that doesn't mean that the neighborhood is dangerous. In fact, the south and west portions of the city are more safe than the southwest and southeast, respectively. In addition, violent crime rates are lower than the state and national averages.

The city of Upperco is home to approximately 2,349 people. Of these residents, 567 are under the age of 20. This population comprises of 1,119 males and 1,230 females. The median age for males is 41.7, while that of females is 42.9. The city records 9,063 births and 7,657 deaths each year. Lastly, the city has 1,832 households that are 18 years old or older.