Uppr Marlboro, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Interested in knowing more about the population and streets of Uppr Marlboro? There are several things you should know about this Maryland city. For starters, you should know that this place is located along the Potomac River, between southern Maryland and northern Virginia. The weather in this town is usually pleasant during September, May, June, and February. For more information, please refer to the links below.

In 2019, the median age of residents of Upper Marlboro was 38.1. The median age was 38 for native-born citizens, and 52 for foreign-born residents. This city has a racially mixed population, with residents of different races living close together. For example, many people from El Salvador, India, and China call Upper Marlboro home. For people with a mixed heritage, you'll find that the city's diversity is largely due to its many ethnic groups.

As of the 2010 census, Upper Marlboro's population is 672. This is about 1,635 people per square mile. The median household income is $96,125. There are approximately 80.6 percent of households living in Upper Marlboro. The median house value is $230,200, and the median rent is $1,900 per month. Residents of Upper Marlboro live in houses that are owned by their owners. The median number of households owning a car is two.

This ZIP code has a high median income and uses public transportation less frequently than other parts of the country. People living in this ZIP code commute more than half an hour to work. That means people living in Uppr Marlboro City should be aware of the long commutes to work. When determining the commute time for yourself, take into account the number of people who live in Uppr Marlboro City.