Windsor Mill, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In the last census, the population of Windsor Mill was 31,634. Of those, 14,630 were males and 17,004 were females. The median age of the males and females was 30.8 and 33.1, respectively. There were nine thousand and sixty-three births and seven thousand and fifty-seven deaths per year. The racial make up of Windsor Mill City varied according to the years studied.

The population of the city was 25,705 in the 2010 Census. This was up from twenty-four hundred in the 2000 Census. The average household size in the city was 2.58 people in 2010, compared to 3.1 people in the state of Connecticut. The average household size in the city was 40 years old in 2010, and 42 in 2012. The population density was nine hundred and eighty-four persons per square mile in 2010.

The township has an unusually diverse demographic makeup. The population has grown significantly since the 1970s, spurred by a major housing boom. What was once a sparsely populated agricultural community is now a sprawling neighborhood of expensive houses. A post office was infected with anthrax during the anthrax attacks of 2001-2002. The township has a 9/11 memorial in honor of the seven residents who died in the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

The area's main roads include Windsor Mill Road, Lord Baltimore Drive, and Windsor Boulevard. Major landmarks include Windsor Mill Middle School, Giants Food, and Scotts Branch Elementary. There are several elementary schools, as well as a middle school located on Old Court Middle School. For a quick check of school districts, visit the websites or call the district's public schools. The best way to make an informed decision is to visit all three.