Woodsboro, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Woodsboro City, MD? Well, that's a question we should all ask ourselves every day. Woodsboro is a charming town filled with things you wouldn't find in a city. There's even an opera house! It's hard to believe that a former mayor of Woodsboro, G. F. Smith, persuaded the great John Philip Sousa to play a concert there. However, the concert was cancelled, as Sousa chose Atlantic City instead.

The population of Woodsboro is comprised of 1,018 voters, of which 50.2% are children. A further 16.1% of households were headed by a female without a male. Despite these statistics, Woodsboro has a very good public school system and a high proportion of educated adults. Additionally, crime rates are lower than average, indicating that this city is a good place to live.

The average income for residents of Woodsboro, MD is $75,000, which is more than double the U.S. average. Of that, 33% of residents earned a master's degree or higher. The median income per capita in Woodsboro, MD is $21,438, so you can see how economically well off the local population is. Listed below are the top industries in Woodsboro, MD.

Population & Steets in Wood-boro, MD