Abington, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in learning about the population and steets in Abington City, Massachusetts? Abington is located on the coast of central Massachusetts, at the head of Boston Bay. The most comfortable months for living in Abington are August and June. January is the least pleasant month. Learn more about the Abington city demographics below. You'll be surprised by how diverse this town is. Here are some fun facts about Abington:

The crime rate in Abington depends on where you live. Areas near parks and major airports have higher crime rates than other neighborhoods. This may be due to the fact that very few people live near these public areas. It's also possible that crime rates are higher in these areas because of the high concentration of retail establishments. Nonetheless, crime happens wherever people are. So, while there are some crime-free areas in Abington, it's safest to stay away from these areas.

Population and steets in Abington City vary. As a whole, the population of Abington is 16,436. That's about a 2.8 percent increase from the 2010 census. Abington is a middle-income area, with an average household income of $105,390. The median house value is $357,300. Abington's median age is 42.2 years old. Males have an average age of 39.8 years, while females average 43.7.