Boxford, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a list of population and steets in Boxford City, Massachusetts. The information is updated each year based on the latest American Community Survey. You can view more specific data for Boxford by zip code or neighborhood. For the most current statistics, check out the Boxford city profile. This page will give you a quick overview of the demographics of Boxford. We have listed the most popular demographics below, and you can also look up specific zip codes and neighborhoods.

If you are looking for a place to live or visit, the downtown area offers a variety of retail and restaurant options. In the heart of the city, the Market Square features businesses for the whole family, as well as small shops and businesses. During the summer months, you can also visit the local farmers' market. While visiting the city, make sure to check out the many arts and culture activities available.

The Oxford railway station is located a half mile west of the city center. The station is operated by Great Western Railway and CrossCountry. There are three main stations in the city. The first one, Grandpont, opened in 1844. The location was inconvenient for routes to the north. The city police station and city council offices are located at Park End Street. Several colleges and universities in the area are located in Boxford, and the city receives a significant number of film production crews.